Broadway Lifestyle - New Digital Noise
Broadway Lifestyle

Full-scope UX audit with in-depth insights for a more engaging e-commerce website or membership app..

Broadway Lifestyle

Chinachem Group 2

Broadway Lifestyle is a well-known retail chain selling home appliance and electronics products with brick-and-mortar shops and online stores for the local and overseas markets. The company hopes to improve the user experience of its two e-commerce websites and membership mobile app, boosting customer loyalty and conversion. As a part of our UX Audit services, we dig deep into Broadway Lifestyle’s website and mobile app to improve usability and efficiency.


  • 3-month primary product research
  • UX audit report and presentation decks

Success in a Snapshot

2 e-commerce websites and 1 mobile app for UX auditing
UX issues uncovered and rated according to its urgency of issue fixing
Comprehensive UX audit report with an in-depth analysis
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ndnwebsite objective 01Boost Shopping Cart Conversion Rate on Website

Broadway Lifestyle’s e-commerce platform includes items for purchase such as computers, phones, and electronics. By implementing UX Audits, the website’s checkout process could be smoothed to reduce the cart abandonment rate.

ndnwebsite objective 02 1Enhance Mobile App Stickiness

Broadway Lifestyle has released a mobile app that features promotion offers and loyalty programs for members to discover and redeem. Additionally, conducting UX testings will help revamp app dropout and user retention rates.

Our Methodology:

Broadway Lifestyle has a huge UX audit scope since it has a multi-faceted e-commerce website and membership mobile app, so we laid out a plan to conduct the UX audit with the following process:

ndnwebsite methodology01 4Metrics and materials gathering

We began the audit by ensuring we were aligned with the business goals and user behavior and reviewing the user flow, data, and conversion metrics.

ndnwebsite methodology02 3Heuristic evaluation

We then performed an in-depth UX audit of each aspect of the e-commerce website and mobile app with in-person usability testing and user and staff interviews with various scenarios to discover many aspects that might prove problematic. The whole audit was conducted with advanced UX tools and competitor analysis to benchmark against industry best practices.

ndnwebsite methodology03 1Findings and recommendations

After our user experience evaluation, we compiled the findings into a list of recommendations and improvements for the e-commerce website and membership mobile app.

Our Solutions

Broadway Lifestyle’s multi-faced website underwent a thorough UX audit by our team. The audit covered the homepage, category, on-site search, product filtering, product pages and cart, and checkout process. Our audit also included accounts for customers to track orders and returns. A similar audit was conducted for Broadway Lifestyle’s e-commerce websites for the U.S. and Canada markets.

Our Results

Our UX audit report for Broadway Lifestyle uncovered UX findings affecting the efficiency, customer satisfaction, and accessibility of its e-commerce website and membership mobile app. Apart from long-term improvements, the report also rated the urgency of fixing issues and made actionable recommendations for Broadway Lifestyle to implement quick fixes.
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