Stecco Natura Gelaterie - New Digital Noise

Stecco Natura Gelaterie - Bringing Italian Gelato to China

Stecco Natura Opens First Mainland Store with Integrated China Digital Marketing and Xiaohongshu Marketing Campaign

Stecco Natura Gelaterie Shanghai Flagship Store Launch Campaign

Stecco Natura Gelaterie, an Italian gelato brand, opened its first mainland China location in December 2023 in New Bund 31 Mall, Shanghai. As a new entrant to the China market, an effective promotional strategy was crucial to increase brand awareness and establish a positive brand impression that would attract and convert local users.

In the post-pandemic era, Chinese consumers pay closer attention to food quality and wellness. Desserts and afternoon tea have become integral to social interactions for younger Chinese. Stecco Natura’s values of using natural and healthy ingredients to spread joy align well with evolving consumer tastes in the mainland.

Through integrated China digital marketing services and Xiaohongshu marketing campaign, we helped the brand announce the Shanghai store launch and successfully promote these qualities to target consumers.

Success by the Numbers

13M+ Impressions WeChat & Xiaohongshu Campaign
120K+ Interactions Xiaohongshu Engagement
2.57M Views KOL Videos & Articles
70 Press Releases & 33 Earned Media Mentions Wide Online Coverage
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Raise Brand Awareness of Stecco Natura in China

Through China digital marketing services on platforms like WeChat and Xiaohongshu, the goal was to increase unaided brand awareness among Chinese consumers for Stecco Natura’s authentic Italian gelato.

Engage Consumers via Xiaohongshu KOLs

By executing an influencer marketing campaign leveraging top Xiaohongshu KOLs, the objective was to generate word-of-mouth buzz through their promotional videos and posts.

Drive Trial Store Visits for Launch

Having built awareness and interest via Xiaohongshu marketing, the campaign aimed to successfully drive foot traffic through trial store visits, utilizing the momentum of the launch period.

Our Solutions

Drive Pre-Launch Visibility

Leading up to opening day, we leveraged Xiaohongshu KOLs to create video content. Xiaohongshu spotlight ads and content on WeChat and official Xiaohongshu accounts built brand awareness through integrated digital marketing.

Generate Excitement at Launch

On launch day, targeted Xiaohongshu friend ads maximized reach, while social updates introduced profiles to a wider audience.

Achieve Long-Term Engagement

Post-launch, SEO and engaging Xiaohongshu ad campaigns as part of ongoing China digital marketing services helped increase the fanbase.

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