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Whatsapp business customer service for digital marketing.
How To Incorporate Whatsapp Business API Into Your Business?
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WhatsApp for Business API is now available in Hong Kong. If you are wondering why should you use it? The answer is simple. Many of your customers are probably already using it. Just look at your family group chats on...
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A person holding up an award-winning cell phone with the text automobile buying process in Hong Kong.
Understanding the Auto Journey
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When it comes to the automobile industry, it’s all about user experience — driving itself, and for marketers — the purchasing experience from start to finish. Marketers have done extensive research to better understand what goes through the consumers’ mind...
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Digital marketing award winner displays Whatsapp and Facebook logos on a phone in Hong Kong.
Connecting Facebook Ads with WhatsApp
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WhatsApp Business is an Android instant messaging app specially designed to help small businesses advertise and interact with their customers. Launched by WhatsApp in 2018, WhatsApp Business offers tools to help businesses sort, automate and facilitate their communication with customers....
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Award-winning 2019 digital trends from Hong Kong.
Top 2019 Digital Trends
The digital world is ever-booming in ways you never thought possible, but only to a certain extent — the following five trends are unstoppable and bound to happen in 2019! 1. Hyper-personalization Anticipate more cross-industry collaborations that will prompt more...
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The award-winning rise of virtual banking in Hong Kong.
Virtual Banking is Here – Why & How Hong Kong Banks Can Evolve to Seize the Day!
For the past decades, banking has long been an industry that has branded themselves on trust and stability, however with the rise of today’s demanding consumer taste, banks are facing a new paradigm centred around the need for convenience, customer...
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A person is digitally drawing on a paper with an award-winning pen in Hong Kong.
The Best Kind of UX/UI design
User experience and user interface, typically referred to as UX and UI, are key to quality website and app design. UX refers to the procedure of elevating the overall user experience when they interact with the application or website, while...
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A group of award-winning people sitting around a table with digital marketing icons in Hong Kong.
How can Marketing Automation help to define ‘Customer Journeys’
In the coming year, an increasing number of businesses are looking at new integrated marketing automation system – Integrated Marketing Stack in order to look into “customer journeys” in order to understand their customers’ needs, allowing possibilities for their businesses to re-position themselves...
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A set of award-winning testing tools for SEO in Hong Kong.
3 Mins Crash Course on UX/ UI
You think your users will use what you just built? Hold on a sec.. it might not be as easy as you think. To design the best product customers like, these are the four major steps you need to work...
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4 award-winning SEO questions your boss will ask about digital marketing in Hong Kong.
4 Questions Your Boss is Going to Ask You About Digital Marketing
Anyone in business knows the higher up you get in a company, the less it is about the little details and more about the digital strategy. But when it comes to digital marketing, many companies want to hear what the return...
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Emily Cheng, an award-winning UX and JD designer from Hong Kong specializing in digital marketing.
What Is User Experience Design? Interview our UX/UI Designer, Emily Cheung!
1. For the people who don’t know about User Experience, could you please give us a short introduction? User experience is how you feel when you interact with apps, websites, gadgets and brands, and a UX designer's role is to...
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