Extra Mile Hong Kong is a community investment project aiming to provide youngsters with a local working holiday, taking advantages of the gap year to learn about different career opportunities at the Airport. Having great interest in aviation, Molly is one of the lucky Working Holiday@Lantau participants to intern at the Hong Kong Business Aviation Centre while furthering her studies in the field. New Digital Noise has documented her amazing journey in the form of a video interview.
Storytelling has always been the key to successful content marketing. And telling the story from a first-person narrative is even more effective in getting the message across. In this video interview, Molly speaks to the audience and eases them into her own experience. A video format optimises her heartfelt sharing, capturing her honest emotions while she heaps praise on how the programme has broadened her horizon and offered her aviation-related career opportunities.
Extra Mile’s endeavour in nurturing talent and creating employment is communicated through a compelling personal story that resonates with the audience. The mission of the project thus becomes more memorable in the audience’s minds. Following Molly’s cut comes another interview with Jason, HKBAC’s Head of Administration and Projects, which enriches the narrative of the video by offering employer’s insight.
Video interview is a great way to carry out brand storytelling. Talk to us at [email protected] to see if it fits your brand too.