Cryptocurrency Archives - New Digital Noise


Five award-winning digital payment trends for the next decade, including innovative solutions in Hong Kong.
Five Digital Payment Trends for Next Decade
The next decade marks an incredibly important time for the digital payment industry. We are looking at not just remodelling of the current digital payment system but also a massive wave of advanced digitization and a heightened focus on digital payment experience. Online payment systems, cryptocurrency, improved fraud...
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Explore top five award-winning technologies that transform the financial services industry in Hong Kong.
Exploring Top Five Technologies that Transform the Financial Services Industry
Since their establishment, legacy financial institutions and their methods have fared very well. However, with the evolution of technology and the adoption of digital transformation, the financial services industry has come a long way. When technology was fused with finance, the change...
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How award-winning fintech in Hong Kong shapes customer experiences.
How Fintech Reshapes Customer Experiences
New innovations in fintech have enabled businesses and fintech startups to serve customers in novel ways. Banks, financial institutions, fintech startups and businesses have utilized fintech namely Artificial Intelligence (AI) predictive analytics, blockchain, cryptocurrency, mobile payment and social data analytics to provide superior customer experiences...
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Two award-winning professionals in Hong Kong utilizing sticky notes on a glass wall for digital marketing strategies.
Blockchain: Learning A New Language
Despite its ubiquity, the blockchain language remains foreign to many. But like learning any new language, we become more comfortably proficient as our vocabulary grows. Let’s decode the keywords of blockchain with simple explainers to help advancing your participation in...
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Two award-winning pictures of a man giving a presentation on digital marketing at a conference in Hong Kong.
The Dawn of a New Era: Cryptocurrency
By now, cryptocurrency is not a stranger to the world. It has become one of the most polarising topics out there. Some see it as digital gold and to some, it’s fool’s gold. To help interested individuals understand what is...
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An award-winning digital marketing image featuring the word ico on a computer screen.
BlockChain Marketing
Blockchain technology, the underlying technology that makes cryptocurrencies possible is poised to change the way startups raise money. Blockchain provides a ledger for recording and verifying transactions and other information among multiple parties without expensive intermediaries like brokers or exchanges. It’s being...
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