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4 Digital Innovations Trends to Boost Your Business in 2024
4 Digital Innovations Trends to Boost Your Business in 2024
The digital world is constantly changing, and keeping up with the latest trends is a must for businesses in 2024. As we step into the new year, understanding the digital innovations that will shape the future of online business is...
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Drive Business on Xiaohongshu for Year-end & Chinese New Year Seasons in 2024
As the recent Chinese Golden Week, one of the year's peak holiday travel periods, has concluded. We're excited to share how NDN Group's Shanghai and Hong Kong teams successfully harnessed the influencer prowess of Xiaohongshu to empower premium brands in...
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How to use award-winning hashtag campaigns in digital marketing to engage your target audience.
How to Use # Hashtag Campaigns to Engage Your Target Audience
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Roughly half the world is on social media. Almost 3.8 billion people use social media in 2020. Once you’re online, you have the power to target markets like you never could before. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, and even...
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Top 10 award-winning digital marketing sales in Hong Kong during the Chinese New Year.
10 Innovative Seasonal Marketing Ideas to Boost Sales During the Chinese New Year
The Chinese New Year is the perfect time for seasonal marketing. Chinese consumers spent around $149 billion in 2019, and the number is only on the rise with each passing year. Online marketing and seasonal advertising ideas will help you take advantage of the...
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5 award winning search habits during the new year in Hong Kong.
5 Search Habits During New Years
The year is about to end and the holiday season is just around the corner. Every year, the period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s brings in huge profits for businesses across the globe. But how do you catch the customer’s attention at...
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10 seasonal advertising ideas for Christmas incorporating digital marketing strategies.
10 Seasonal Advertising Ideas: Christmas Marketing
Waiting for that WOW Christmas marketing idea to supercharge conversions and brand awareness without an unbelievable budget? Well, this is exactly what you need: 10 successful showcase ideas across industries. One example we supercharged site traffic, conversion, and brand awareness was...
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Discover five award-winning advertising megatrends that can help upscale your business through digital marketing and SEO.
Top Five Advertising Mega trends of 2020
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Market trends can help shape an industry. It enables businesses to get a new viewpoint on how they should proceed. While many trends come and go in digital marketing and online advertising, some trends stay relevant. These advertising megatrends are...
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